Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm So Bad At Blogging!!

I thought I would get better at blogging, but I've just gotten worse! I was trying to blog every other day, but that didn't work out, so I was doing once a week. We all see how that's worked out! lol I'm going to try really hard to do it every other day, but we'll see.

Have had a very busy couple of weeks. Anthony and Richard both had birthdays, Anthony on the 20th and Richard on the 24th. We had a party in Galt for them on the 19th and it was a lot of fun. We made the usual pizza and italian cream cake, both turned out great! I love the pizza that we make with the endive, but Richard wanted meat on his, so I made him a combination. Had a nice visit with everyone and saw a few people I hadn't seen in a while.

This past week Richard was on vacation and we had such a nice time. We didn't do much at the beginning of the week, but on Thursday we met a couple of my cousins at a 1000 Trails campground. We ended up having a wonderful time. It had been so long since I had seen them and we had a great visit. Just as we were leaving there as a deer in their campsite and she let me feed her some crackers. I've never been that close to a deer and it was such a treat!! She wouldn't let me get too close, but we were within a few feet of one another. Tried to get closer, but if I took a step forward, she would take a step back. I didn't want to scare her off, so I stopped trying to get any closer.

Saturday I got to take a trip to Boomtown! Sara and Adam were heading to Cabelas and invited Richard and I to go along. Sara and I headed to Boomtown and Richard and Adam went to Cabelas. Neither of us won any money, but we had a good time. On the way home we stopped and ate lunch a cute little bbq place in Truckee. I love it when people go to Cabelas and invite us!! lol I hate it that I love to gamble, good thing we don't do it too often though.

This week I'm hoping to get so much done craft wise. Got everything together to start making stuff for my Etsy store and even got the examples ready. My craftroom is a total wreck though since I couldn't find the books that I was looking for. Still didn't find the books and 2 cabinets are emptied all over the place. Need to put everything away tomorrow and hopefully the books will show up and maybe I just missed them. Fingers crossed on that one!

Will hopefully be back tomorrow or Tuesday. Been trying to fix some photos that I want to put on here, but haven't figured it all out yet. I'm still not any better with PhotoShop, but still trying my hardest! It's not easy being so computer challenged.

Talk to you soon!!

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