Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Monday!

It's Monday again, but had a great weekend. Spent all day Sunday in Galt with my family for Mother's Day and did have a fun day. I did have to spend all day Saturday finishing my mom's present, but did get it done and she really liked it. I wanted to more painting, but did end up using stencils. It was one of those that everything I did looked awful, so last resort was stencils. lol I also can't believe I didn't take any pictures at all yesterday and had my camera and everything. UGH!!

Today we ended up going shopping for necessities, so tomorrow I've got lots to do. I have projects scattered all over and will try to separate everything out later today so I can start in in the morning. Still trying to figure out how to change/add things to my blog, but need more alone time to get into doing that, I need to think!! I also need to go around and collect some 'buttons' from my favorite places, but that should be fun.

Well much get back to putting stuff away and then some cleaning before the making of dinner. Keeping it simple tonight, still tired from the weekend.

Have a great day and talk to you soon!


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