Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello Monday!

It's Monday again and had a crazy weekend. I only got to make one of the three graduation parties we were invited, but it was three and a half hours away. Richard made it to the other two though, so that's a good thing. I did end up going to Morgan Hill by myself, but it was a nice break for me. Listened to my cd's really loud and sang badly, so it was fun. lol

Haven't heard anything from either of the DT's, not sure if that's good or bad, but I'm being patient. I was going to do a few other projects this last weekend, but never did find the time, so this week I'll get some things done and post them here.

I think it's going to be a busy summer, having a birthday retirement party for Richard on July 221st, so have lots to do. He decided he wanted to have a party since we finally found out that he gets SSDI. We've been trying for a year and got one denial, but just got the award letter on Friday, so we're very happy!! It's still not right, but I'm sure they'll fix it and we do know that we will have some money coming in now and so we're not worried.

So I'm sure I will be busy crafting this week and will be posting pictures as soon as I'm done. It'll probably take me two days to clean up the mess I have in my room, but it's always fun to play around.

Talk to you soon and thanks for stopping by!


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